Sunday, October 28, 2012

Delirium: First Long Run in a Long Time

I really haven't run more than 6 miles since last year's Shanghai Half Marathon in December.  Coincidentally I'm registered for a half marathon in Hangzhou in just two weeks!  Would I consider myself truly prepared for this race?  Nope.  Does it feel nice to just hit the road and run when and how I feel like it?  Yep.

So today's run was a bit of a crapshoot.  I waited until nearly 4:00 to run, which is really unusual for a "long" run.  Luckily the temperature was perfect, but the air quality was listed as "very unhealthy."  I mapped out a new route on, had a PowerBar, downloaded a new podcast, and was out the door.

As I ran I was reminded that a run in Shanghai is always an adventure, if you're paying close enough attention and you're ready to capture the moment.  Here are some rules I made up while on my long run:

#1.  Avoid stinky tofu.  Really, it should be outlawed, but if you smell it on your path, steer clear!

#2.  Carry a printed map of your route.  It's better to avoid the frustration of poor internet connection and cruddy iPhone maps and just bring a paper copy with you.

#3.  Find calmness in the chaos.  China is not entirely filled with crowds and muck; every now and then you come across a nice park or a quiet path that is just picture-perfect (even in the smog).

#4.  Always watch your back for city buses.  They have no mercy and will run you down or at least blow out your ear with their horn.

#5.  Have your camera ready.  When you see something that makes you do a double-take or even jump back, stop and take a picture; you may not ever see it again.

#6.  Be a Chinese tourist.  They are always asking to have their picture taken with innocent (western) bystanders.  Flip it and ask nicely "Wo yao foto" to get your picture with one of them.

#7.  You can cross the street through a red light.... under two conditions: there is no cross-traffic and you go skipping across the street.  It's fun, it helps you pick up the pace, and you just might make someone laugh.  

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